martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Five features that you always found in successful photographers.

Five features that you always found in successful photographers.

The "photography world",  is one of many fascinating opportunities. We all have felt
inspired by great artists, who have made us sigh with their photographs. Many of us have wondered "how they do it?" We are sharing with you,  five features, found in  successful photographers.

1. Exposure

The successful photographer does not sit to wait for his art take him to job opportunities. The successful photographer searches for it. His art is the way to reach his audience, so the secret is, in exposure. And by exposure I mean "exhibitions".  Is about letting people know about your work by having more presence in social media and local galleries.

2. Aperture

While f1.4 in a 85mm lens, creates a beautiful high definition "bokeh", the "brains aperture" (be open minded)  to create and experiment with new trends are the key tools of  success. We've all heard the phrase "more of the same" A successful photographer is always willing to create, reinvent and integrate concepts into his photographs in order to make their work more remarkable.

3. ISO

InveSt in yOurself. The economist Jeffrey Gittermore said in his book The Sales Bible:  "How much you are willing to invest in you, reflects the confidence you have in yourself"
This means that all the money you're willing to spend on your education and professional development, reflects the confidence you have in your own work. It is impossible to achieve great goals, if you do not trust in your abilities to turn what touches into gold.

4. Speed

The frequency which you move to create alliances and friendships with successful people, allows your learning process to success, faster. 

5. Illumination

Nothing happen in the physical world, without being conceived in the invisible world of your desires and thoughts. Success is not a random event in the life of a human being. Rather than that,  success is a state of mind that allows you a comfortable and adventurous life.
If your mind is not programmed for success, all efforts would be in vain. You have to educate your mind, reject bad thoughts of frustration and concerns and open up yourself to a world of possibilities. The first step to reprogram your mind, is to thank all you have today, rejoice in what you expect for tomorrow and praise, admire and bless all those who are living the life that you would like live.

You have everything it takes to reach your goals and live the life you've always dreamed of ... It is very real, the first step is decide to go for it...

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