miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

2 Passive Ways to Earn Extra Income, for Photographers

As a photographer we are facing many challenge this days.  As the photographers community has increased, it looks like clients are vanishing.  I'm pretty sure, many of you has noticed that the business is getting slow. Don't feel lonely,  I have  experienced that too. So I went to the internet and I found a reading about passive income.

Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little or no effort required to maintain it.  So imagine planting a seed, but you don't need to care to much about it. That seed will be growing at it's own pace, and during the process, it will be making money for you.  Sounds too good to be true, but that is the way passive income work.

"Here are the two most common and effective ways to earn money with passive income"

1. Selling your images around the world

Sounds like a big work to do, but is not! As a photographer you make A LOT of pictures, thousands of pictures in a year. Most of them are awesome, but the true is, that those pictures keep their lives in your hard disk or in a low res facebook album. But, What if you can earn money from those pictures by just uploading in the correct website? That is what a pro stockphoto site do for your business.

Here is my story. Some time ago, I uploaded two images is a stockphoto website, and for my surprise, those 2 files earn for me almost $100 this month. Maybe that's not too much, but if you think like a business person, you will find that earn $100, by DOING NOTHING is a really great deal.  
I only regret, for not uploading more files at that time. There are many photographers making their lives on selling their works in stockphoto website. Maybe you don't want to do the same, but I'm pretty sure you will love to earn a few bucks monthly by just loading a couple of images.

Internet, has new ways to make money. The internet are making people rich from their own homes with very little effort in most cases. Why don't take advantage of that?

Try it!  there is nothing to lose, but a true chance to make profits. You can try it by your self or get more info at http://submit.shutterstock.com/?ref=88043

2. Make content for help others

If you love to write or teach, google, youtube and many websites has opportunities for you. Have you ever wondered: Why there is a lot of educational stuff out there and for free?  Recipes, Tutorials, Ebooks stuff from almost any theme...  Well, the answer is "passive income". People out there are making great content in order to help others and at the same time, they are helping themselves, but how? by monetize their content. 
Google is the leader tool to monetize your stuff.  You can create videos on youtube and with a few clicks you can transform your video in a money machine. Also you can create a blog on blooger or Wordpress, and by adding ads, with simple codes created by google, you can start earning money. Also there are websites like www.talenthouse.com  where if you are an influent photographer with a lot of fans or followers, they pay you as marketing talent.

If you want to make extra money,  the worst thing you can do is do nothing,  Success are for those who really want it.  The secret to make your dreams come true, can be summarized in one word: "action" 

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